Product & service delivery



This strategy explains what we’re going to do to transform Citizens Advice products and platforms between 2019 - 2022. Digital technologies have created new ways to serve clients and we must be able to keep pace with modern expectations, meeting more demand in a tailored and streamlined way.


welfare reform for canada

By filing a tax return, low-income Canadians can automatically receive $1.7 billion in benefits they’re entitled to. The Canadian Digital Service and the Canada Revenue Agency undertook extensive research to understand how to improve the experience of filing tax returns for the people who need the most help.


Services for vulnerable groups

As public servants, we exist to design and deliver services that meet fundamental human needs. In these contexts, we have to remember that government ≠ choice, and users ≠ customers. Many of these services are absolutely mission critical to those who need to use them.


Become a canadian citizen

Canadian Digital Service

Becoming a citizen of a new country is one of the most emotive life events a person will go through, and marks the completion of a long journey. By understanding the needs of immigrants and solving pain points in the process, we can improve the experience and provide them with the fairest chance to succeed.


Visit someone in prison

Ministry of Justice, U.K

Maintaining positive contact with loved ones is essential for offenders who hope to rejoin their communities on release. Visit someone in prison meets important needs for prisoners and their families. For prison staff, automating data entry frees them up to focus on maintaining safe and secure environments.


Apis and system integration

Ministry of Justice, U.K

Creating joined-up services in government requires access to the valuable data often locked in legacy IT systems. By integrating back office systems with modern digital interfaces we can deliver better digital services for members of the public, and enable staff to make informed decisions with data.


engage the public in policymaking

Department of Health and Social Care, U.K

Raising awareness and support for people with dementia, and giving the public a voice in decisions on local authority care services. User-centred content presented in a meaningful and engaging way, that enables policymakers to engage with the public on important healthcare services.